VMware Workstation Technology Preview 2012 vydán
Společnost VMware vydala novou verzi VMware Workstation pro nově
připravovanou verzi Windows 8 a Windows Server 8. Kromě nové podpory
Windows 8 Comunity Preview a Windows Server „8“ Beta přináší také
další novinky.
Přehled novinek ve VMware Workstation Technology Preview 2012
- Installation and operation of VMware Workstation on Windows 8 and Windows
Server 8 - Installation and operation of Windows 8 consumer preview and Windows Server
8 in a virtual machine - Rendering and graphics correctness issues on all platforms and
applications - Stability in real-world scenarios including suspend/resume and display and
device support - Nested Virtualization – running ESX and even trying Hyper-V* as a
guest OS - VNC connection performance and stability
- Linux 3D desktop experience, particularly when using the Ubuntu
12.04 LTS Beta - Linux 3D application graphics correctness and performance