VMware Workstation 6.0.0, build 45731 ke stažení
Po čtyřech betaverzích dnes VMware vydal finální verzi VMware
Workstation 6.0.0, build 45731. Nová verze oprotí předchozí betě
v podstatě nic nového neobsahuje, jsou opraveny pouze drobné chyby.
Jaké jsou rozdíly VMware Workstation 6 oproti staré verzi 5.5 ?
- Support for High-Speed USB 2.0 Devices
- Multiple Monitor Support
- Integrated Virtual Debuggers
- Run Virtual Machines in the Background
- Increased RAM Support
- Virtual Machines Can Act as VNC Servers
- Record/Replay of Virtual Machine Activity (Experimental)
- Easy Upgrade or Downgrade of VMware Virtual Machines
- Automation Via Expanded VIX 1.1 API
- Physical-to-Virtual Conversion and Enhanced Import Functionality (Windows
Hosts Only) - Automatic Upgrade to the Latest Version of VMware Tools
- Appliance View for Virtual Appliances
- Enhanced File Sharing and Copy and Paste Functionality
- Performance Improvements for Shared Folders with Linux Guests
- Cross-Platform Drag-and-Drop Functionality
- New Online Help System
- Battery Information Is Now Reported in the Guest
- Support for Paravirtualized Linux Kernels
- User Interface for Mapping a Virtual Disk to a Drive Letter on the
Windows Host - Improved 64-bit Guest Support
- New 64-bit Sound Driver
- Virtual Machine Communication Interface (Experimental)
- Enhanced virtual keyboard on Windows hosts
- VMware Player 2.0
Jak zapnout 3D akcelerátor v VMware Workstation 6.Nemužete mi prosím poradit??
to Majk:
jo můžu, je to v nápovědě 😉
napsal jsem na to článek Jak zapnout 3D akceleraci (Direct3D) ve VMware Workstation?